The Fix Album Cover

The Fix Album Cover

Monday, December 6, 2010


As well as the video and album cover we produced the website for the band. Hosted on 'WIX', we were able to create a fully functional website for free - however it does come with this catchy URL...

 Welcome Page: This is the page that will first appear when you visit our website, it's purpose is to sell the album. There is a banner at the top with a link to itunes where you could download the track.
 Home Page: This is the master page for our website, it is simply made up of a photo of the band with their names written on it. 'The Fix' logo is fixed in the top left hand corner, along with the music player and the sign up, login, facebook, and youtube links.The bottom banner in also permanent and includes the banner to download the album from itunes as well as links to the all the boy's official twitters. There is also a picture carousel of the each band member which, when enlarged, displays their name, age and star-sign! In the very bottom left we have displayed the copright and record label information.
 'The Band' Page: This page gives fans an insight into the story behind the band and how they formed, it also presents an opportunity to leave comments to the band.
'Gallery': This page is simply a gallery for fans to browse through photos of the band - there are publicity shots, relaxed shots of the band on shoots, and even some live photos!
'Videos': All The Fix's official videos are displayed on this page. In addition to the official music video there are also two behind the scenes videos of the band preparing for the shoots. There is also a link to the band's youtube channel.
'Tour' Page: This page displays information about The Fix's upcoming tour, with links to buy tickets from two different sources; and
'Official Store': This page acts as a door to the band's official store (which of course doesn't exist). This method is typical of artist websites.

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