The Fix Album Cover

The Fix Album Cover

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

To answer this question we have posted a video response in which we highlight how our product uses theories, and subsequently conforms to, or in some cases challenges, conventions of real products. In the video we talk about Goodwin's theory and Vernallis' theory, with particular focus on the music video we have created. We then go on to discuss how our two ancillary products, the album and website also follow or challenge the forms and conventions set out by the music industry.

Here are the relevant videos which we have referenced in this video response:

JLS - One Shot on MUZU.
In this video, during the dance routine the camera is never just still. It is always moving - regularly tracking from side to side or forwards and backwards. I thought this looked really good and made for a much more interesting dance routine, and so we used this technique in our music video and there is constant camera movement in our video.

The Wanted - All Time Low on MUZU.
This video was a big influence when researching the notion of looking. We took ideas for 'the look' shots from this video and this helped us a lot when identifying the individual members of our boyband. We also included individual look shots which were all influenced by this video.

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